It is more than evident that God is continuously blessing Progressive Baptist Church. Many of our Christian ministries initiated in past years have been revitalized and reorganized. New ministries are continually being added for kingdom building. Additional space has been provided for these ministries by the construction of an adjoining daycare, educational facility, and a Community Outreach Center. This center is utilized for various activities such as Health Screenings, GED Program, Parenting, Financial Literacy, Grief Share, and Tutorial Classes, but most importantly, to spread the word of God throughout our community.
Progressive Baptist Church is now a Lafayette Extension of the United Theological Seminary and Bible College. This accredited institution will train men and women of all denominations to become leaders in their local churches, their communities, and our nation.
We are proud of our past, and we continue to pray for our future. Through prayer, supplication, and binding ourselves together in Christian love, we will continue to strive to reach the mark of a higher calling. As our founding fathers did, we will continue to rededicate ourselves and bind together in peace, love, and prayer. The Holy Spirit will guide us to continue, as a church family, to do God’s work in a manner pleasing to Him. Yes, Progressive Baptist Church – the Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, will continue to grow as we remember that, “Everybody is Somebody, but Christ is Essential.”